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Booking a complimentary call provides the perfect opportunity to find out more about each other and determine if we are a good fit to work together longer term.  This is a free session where you will have my undivided attention.  I will create space to listen to you in a very safe and loving way, and hear what you are saying completely free of judgement.  I want to know what’s important to you, what you want to achieve, what is currently stopping you, and how I can help you achieve your goals.



  • Do you often wonder who you are anymore?  Have you lost your identity?

  • Is the pain of your current situation holding you back?

  • Are you finding it hard to move on from a past experience/trauma?  Scared of what is next for you?

  • Do you often think surely there is more to life?  Feeling something is missing, what is your purpose?

  • Have you already accomplished some goals but you’re still not really happy with where you’re currently at?

  • Are you listening way too much to your inner critic telling you you’re not capable or good enough?

  • Do you often feel anxious and find yourself suffering with OCD as a coping mechanism?

  • Do you find relationships challenging and have anxious or avoidant attachment styles?

  • Would you love to finally overcome all that is holding you back and live as your best version?



Coaching is a process whereby I provide thought-provoking sessions that allow you to gain clarity on any situation and inspire you to take positive action - both personally & professionally.  I see myself as a facilitator of change, firmly believing that you hold the answers to your own problems.  I can take you to a place that you won't go to by yourself - it is a journey to look within, overcome barriers and unlock your potential.



I’ve been there!  Aside from being in a controlling, unfaithful and emotionally abusive marriage, I know only too well how feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness can manifest.  After my marriage ended I had a complete emotional breakdown and suffered with anxiety and OCD and felt helpless.  I was just always surviving - not really living.  I put everyone’s needs before mine - believing this would make me a better person, a better mum.  I now know I had it all wrong.  What’s the first advice given on an aeroplane?  Put your own oxygen mask on before helping others.  I realised that by helping myself I would better help those around me - and I didn’t need to feel guilty for doing so.


Life Coaching changed my life. For the first time in a long time I actually sat myself down and listened intently to what I was telling myself. I listened to my pains, my beliefs and desires.  I had so many limiting beliefs that had been holding me back for so long.  I realised I had so much potential and so much to offer that I made myself a pact.  If I wanted things to change, then I needed to be the driver of that change!  


It’s so easy to allow our feelings to manifest in all other areas of our life; we allow them to control the way we see ourselves, others and the world around us.  We limit our beliefs and our potential.  We often don’t stop to question if we can actually change how we feel; we just keep going round and round on the treadmill.  


Often the plans we make in life don’t always go to plan and it completely derails us.  However, the magic happens when we turn our pain into power!  We realise that not only can we get back on track, but we can also change the destination!  


I’m a firm believer that difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.



If you are reading this thinking you want things to change in your life then get in touch.  If we are a good fit I will create a coaching program that is truly bespoke to you.  Each week we will focus on key areas that are important to you; obstacles you wish to overcome and what you would like to create in your life.  These sessions will be done in the comfort of your own home via Zoom.  I’m not here to intimidate you, or judge you in any way.  My approach is warm, welcoming and results driven!  I’m all about finding possibilities for you. I spent way too much time with counsellors that just kept me stuck - I don't want the same for you.


As an Internationally Accredited Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, I will not only use my coaching techniques but will draw on my own experiences to provoke thought and perspective.  I am also certified in psychometric assessment & HR Management and adopt a methodical and structured approach to guide you through each week.



We go through life often fulfilling everyone else’s needs but our own - much to our own detriment.  We will always find reasons not to make ourselves the priority - until something in life comes crashing down and we get that much needed wake up call.  Ask yourself why do we wait until later or some other time?  Later is not always guaranteed.  Life is short - I say always eat the desert first and wear your expensive perfume everyday!


People may have the opinion that investing in themselves is self-indulgent.  I disagree.  Investing in yourself is life changing and can hugely improve the life of those around you too.  Imagine feeling completely content, emotionally free and with purpose - how will that impact and influence those around you?  They say that who we are five years from now is the result of who we are today.  We get what we give.  It’s time to give to yourself!



If you are worrying about investing in yourself - I would pose the question: what is the price of happiness?  Picture what you are set to gain and what you will finally be able to remove from your life. My programs are also affordable with a range of payment plans to help spread the cost..and the best bit (and I’m confident you won’t need this), I offer a 30 day full money back guarantee!  


I know how you feel, I've been there, the thought of investing in yourself can be scary, however the money I invested in having a coach has completely transformed my life - ask yourself is what you are currently doing working?  If you want things to change then what are you willing to spend your hard-earned money on?



I know what rock bottom feels like - and it’s not a nice place, but being able to look back and see how far you’ve come is!  Knowing that I’ve been there and come out the other side is what truly lights me up inside - and I want the same for you.  I have the ability to transform someone’s life.   You will be safe in the knowledge that I am genuinely passionate about seeing you succeed - you’ll have your very own personal cheerleader!  And I’ll be holding you to account each week.    


We owe it ourselves to be happy in life - we deserve it.  Don’t just settle for dreaming about what your life could be like, start turning these dreams into reality.  Nothing will ever change if we don’t take action. 

The two most important words I will ever say to you is TAKE ACTION!


If you’re ready to re-discover your identity and transform your life, then take action and click the link below - let's have that call.

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